Enfirus Dev Log #2 - Idan's Story, Worldbuilding and New Characters


Idan and Luliette each live in a completely distinct society, very far apart from each other.

As each of their stories begin in their homes, it is important that we explore what their lives are like before their story in the game begins. Part of this meant exploring how their societies work, what their cultures are like (and the differences between them), and even the reason for their existence.

Idan is one of the Stelts - a nomadic civilization that travels all across the southern half of the continent. They are currently taking refuge in an expansive, mysterious forest.

To accommodate for the fact that this civilization is constantly travelling, we designed a unique style of housing that would fit their lifestyle: the "wheelhut".

wheelhut concept

Concept design of a wheelhut.

The entire wooden house is transported through horsepower with an especially designed saddle which rotates two massive wheels on either side of the building. Because they often travel through rough terrain, the wheels are supplemented with external spokes which help propel the wheel through uneven ground. There are also two small pairs of front and hind wheels for stability.

Concept art of Idan and his grandmother's wheelhut.

Speaking of Idan's grandmother... let's meet her!

New Characters

Idan's grandmother - a trove of wisdom, a beacon of kindness, a renowned cook, and a satirical devil.

Grandmother Concept Outlines

Conceptual outlines, colors, and final design for Idan's grandmother.

Cecilius - A stranger from afar, in search of those chosen by Enfirus.


Conceptual outlines, colors, and final design for Cecilius.

Mitoa - One of the elusive Forest Folk, who live alongside the Stelts in the forest, but have called it home for much, much longer.

Mitoa Concept Outlines

Conceptual outlines, colors, and final design for Mitoa.

Next week I'd like to present Luliette's side of the story and introduce some characters from her city!


Thank you for reading the 2nd Enfirus dev log! Check out our Twitter or Discord if you would like to keep with more development updates ^^



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